Tablet Technologies - The New Dawn of quality education?

The New Dawn of Education - Tablet Technology

KEY WORDS: #pedagogy #formative assessment #bloom's taxonomy #tablet technology
Tablet technologies the world over are fast becoming the “it” devices and a stand out solution for the fast, no fuss integration of ICT into the classroom. As we strive to keep up with the changing face of education, tablets allow teachers to incorporate a tool that has no significant impact to their existing program. This notion has contributed to the ever growing popularity of the tablet device. However, there is a real risk of the tablet just becoming a tool like pencils and paper. By this, I mean drawing pictures is drawing pictures whether paper-based or digital. Essentially, busy work is busy work. We are now responsible for reflecting carefully on the quality of the tasks we set as the shiny, black tablet technology serves to mask an educationally low-grade quality task.

 In the Cook Islands we have been very fortunate to have a major injection of tablet devices available to schools and I have been one among many who have enjoyed the hype of their use and arrival. Watching the school children, teachers and parents pour over the apps busily exploring and creating has been exciting and a necessary step on our journey to delivering 21st Century education. As the hype of having such devices subsides it becomes necessary for ICT leaders, principals and teachers to focus on the pedagogy of tablet integration so that we avoid the stagnant abyss of nothingness that occurs once the children have “become bored” with the apps they use.

Our responsibility is to now continue to move through our stages of tablet integration with a focus on pedagogy.  Watch this video about how integrating technology is not really about integrating technology at all. It's about our practice (pedagogy) and using technology how we use it in the real world.

There are thousands upon thousands of apps available for these devices with many being heralded as “essential” for the classroom and thousands upon thousands that are less than sub-standard. How do we become discerning users? Teachers can be forgiven for becoming overwhelmed with what is actually required in order to support and enrich the classroom program as well as improve learning for the students.
Schools can adopt an auditing system that allows teachers to assess whether an app is suitable for providing high quality task opportunities or merely a tool for enrichment (practice). By linking the apps to Bloom's Taxonomy we can also assess an apps ability to facilitate higher order learning experiences.

How to Audit an App

1.      Make a list of the apps you use in the classroom and ask the following questions of them

-          How will the students demonstrate their learning using this app?

-          Can the learning be published to the school website/blog/print/portfolio easily?

-          What formative assessment data can I get from the app?


2.      Decide whether an app is used mostly for

-          Presentation/collaboration

-          Problem solving

-          Enrichment (practice)

3.      Use the following chart to place your apps and their activities against blooms taxonomy chart
Consider the following:

How many apps are sitting at the knowledge level?

How could an app move up the taxonomy pyramid?

Auditing apps is easy for teachers to do and can be done after a set amount of time to ensure that classroom practice is high quality using the tools available in a creative and flexible way.
Are tablet technologies the answer to creating a modern, engaging 21st Century classroom? I think no, credit must go to the innovative teachers who use these technologies in a quality way by modifying their current teaching practice to include a range of tools.

 Further Reading
This article gives some findings of research done around the challenges of integration as well as the benefits. This article provides ideas around the characteristics of quality tablet use in the classroom and best pedagogical practice
An explanation of what pedagogy is
A larger image of Bloom's Taxonomy Chart
What is formative assessment and summative assessment?


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