Friday 22 November 2013

Paper Planning VS Digital Planning

Sort your Stuff out!

Is this how you feel?


Paper planning VS Digital Planning

I am a real sucker for stationery. Like many of my teaching colleagues I love a beautiful, leather bound diary or organizer that I can carry around in my bag or purse looking poetic as I sit and write in it over a flat white somewhere. There is something mysterious and relaxed about this image. While I allow this image of myself come into reality I really probably look like a disorganized, frazzled mess clutching to a book of scribbled papers that show no resemblance to order and productivity.

Here is a picture of  what I currently use. If I lose it, It's not pretty. There has to be a better way...
When assessing the paper diary's ability to efficiently support me to get things done in a timely manner and really empower my team of workers to collaborate and problem solve I resolve that it is effectively a big waste of time. Useless. My  new goal is to train myself to plan smarter using some amazing digital tools that are available. I have done a little research and would like to share just two of my favourites with you here.


Remember the Milk on the picture to go there
This task manager is pretty funky. While it has been around for quite a while I think it's one of the best ones out there. It is completely web based which means you have to be online to access it. A challenge for us is that when you are out for lunch, on a field trip, staff meeting without net you can't access your to do list. What I do suggest is that you save screen shots of what you need to do to your camera roll if you have a smart phone or I-pad. 
 Google Tasks is the perfect companion to your other Google Apps, specifically GMail and Google Calendar. Although it’s not, by itself, a full blown task management system, seamless integration with Google Apps completes the extra functionality found in most of its competition. If you’re a big GMail user, it’s a great way to keep track of your tasks, especially with Google Calendar integration. Of course, free is hard to beat too.

What do you use to organize your day? Share your links in the comments thread. Help me to Sort my Stuff.


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