Monday 18 November 2013

U-Learn13 - Inspiration from the crowds

The U-Learn Experience


Inspiration, wonder and excitement are three words that spring to mind when I think about my U-learn experience.

Over 3 days I met over 200 people, attended 6 workshops and shared the exciting digital projects with Cook Island’s education in Hamilton, New Zealand.

I have returned to Rarotonga feeling encouraged at just how far we have all come here with not only integrating ICT into the classroom but also empowering students to engage with technology to support and transform their learning. I also feel excited at the promise of where we are heading.

The milestones will continue to be reached so long as we remain focused on the vision of Cook Island’s Education as well as strategically planning for its inclusion in our own schools. This is particularly important when we consider the roles, uses and integration of ICT technologies, practices and pedagogies.

One of my interests at U-learn was leading change in schools.

The workshops I attended shared similar messages about making ICT integration a success.

-          Plan strategically

We plan for uipaanga, church functions, sports tournaments, weddings and trips away. We do this to make our project a success. It is no different with the use and integration of ICT in your school. There are many great places and people who can help you develop a plan right here in the Cooks! Websites are helpful too and my pick is:


-          Let your whole staff become involved in the planning

Everyone has a voice and we know everyone is at different levels of ability, interest and value with digital technologies. By including everyone in the planning process helps management see a big picture and shows that you value the input of the teachers who will be the ones championing the ICT strategy. Address teacher’s fears, worries and concerns through open communication and develop systems that scaffold these teachers to succeed. It may be mentoring, professional development or setting personal learning targets. Quality, clear communication is a cornerstone for developing your schools strategies.

I highly recommend this video for management staff. An excellent principal whom I had the opportunity to meet at U-Learn.

-          Reward and support those teachers who show interest and activity with ICT use

“Feed the flowers don’t water the rocks” This message really got me thinking at U-learn. I will leave you all to think about what it means for you…..

-          Seek support from others who have or are working through the same process.

Having people to bounce your ideas off is invaluable. Create a network of teachers or principals. Use blogs, email groups, google docs, twitter, Facebook. All of these mediums are great for collaborating on a project.

Here are some useful readings that you might like to look at when planning strategically at your school

This is an academic article which explores to what extent does policy and planning influence the “actual” integration of ICT in the classroom. A thought provoking read.

Scaffolding to succeed using a range of ICT. (Upper primary and secondary)

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